2023 Covid Data Analysis

2023 Covid Data Analysis

Looking at Global numbers

2019 was a pivotal year that will remain in our memories forever. The coronavirus pandemic has drastically altered our lives, leaving us with more questions than answers. When will this come to an end? Is there a way to prevent the emergence of new variants? These are questions that many of us are left asking daily.

To gain insight into the latest developments around the globe, I have put together this analysis based on information from Our World in Data, a free resource from the University of Oxford. For a more technical view of the analysis, please check out the SQL repository on my GitHub, where you can find the software and tools that I used for this project.

Let's start looking for the top 10 countries with the highest rate of Covid deaths based on Covid cases reported as of January 1st, 2023.

In the table below, we see Yemen as the country with the highest rate of Covid related deaths based on the cases reported, followed by Sudan, Syria, Somalia, Peru, Egypt & Mexico.

Now, let's look at the countries with the highest percentage of infections rate compared to their population.

Even though, the rates in the above chart are high, when we look at the worldwide new cases and Covid related deaths, we see a more optimistic picture. As of January 07, 2023, the percentage of people that have died because of Covid is about 2.3% of the global new Covid cases reported.

Overall, this analysis can be interpreted as a positive in the fight against Covid-19. And what is most valuable, death rates are below 2% of total cases worldwide.

Finally, it's vital to work towards increasing the quality of life in the least developed countries, sanitary conditions and access to a health care system are vital to avoid the spread of new variants around the world. This will benefit the global population overall in defeating Covid-19.

Thank you for reading through this analysis. My goal is to translate essential data into meaningful information that is accessible to all.